PANTABANGAN, Nueva Ecija - The Philippine movie's BadBoy, Robin Padilla, his fellow actor-brother and NuevaEcija board member Rommel, and other industrypersonalities made a pitch on campaign again globalwarming as they joined irrigation officials in atree-planting activity on a mountain range here onMonday.
Padilla who brought with him almost the entire castof the teleserye Joaquin Bordado where he plays thelead role, planted seedlings with Engr. Alex Coloma,manager of the Casecnan Multi-Purpose IrrigationProject wat the vicinity of the multi-billion pesoirrigation and power project.
He readily conceded on the appeal of a fellow actor tostop illegal logging activity.
Rommel who is the province's senior board memberhaving garnered the highest votes, said his brotherbelieves that the problem on global warming issomething to be addressed properly by all sectors."This is a problem which people from the governmentand elsewhere should help address," Rommel whorepresents Nueva Ecija's first district said.
Coloma said the project was supported by the officialsof the CalEnergy, a foreign consortium that undertakesthe build-operate-transfer portion of the project.Casecnan diverts water from Taan and Casecnan Riversin the tri-boundaries of Nueva Ecija, Aurora andNueva Vizcaya for irrigation and energy trough the26-kilometer underground tunnel to Pantabangan Dam, Reservoir.
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