Thursday, July 03, 2008

N. Ecija has new dev't plan

PALAYAN CITY - The new medium term development agendaof the Nueva Ecija government was approved, yearsafter the prrevious version lapsed, by members of theprovincial development council (PDC) the other day.

Gov. Aurelio Umali, PDC chair, said the new mediumterm development plan that tackle of economic andhuman resources of the province was a product ofextensive study by the local chief executives andtheir municipal or city planning and developmentoffices.

Dr. Abraham Pascua, director of the Department ofInterior and Local Government (DILG)-Nueva Ecija,presented the pplan to PDC memebrs that includemayors, MPDCs and non-government organizations, duringthe first general assembly meeting at the Nueva EcijaConvention Center (NECC).

Umali explained that the MTPDP serves as the farmeworkof development of all LGUs, in coordinbation withnational implementing agencies for 2008 to 2010.Bert Bolinao, city planning and development officer ofPalayan City, moved for inclusion of some otherprojects which the local government is readying.

MayorLorna Vero of Llanera town said irrigation andenvironment projects are on top of their local agenda.All these issues, Umali said, will be tackled laterand the plan could actually be subject to amendments.The province, according to the governmenr, has indeeda large room for development.

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